eng.Notes+: Welche Operationen und Funktionen unterstützt die Formelsammlung?

Andreas Sommer

Folgende Operatoren und Funktionen werden unterstützt:

Standard Operationen:
+ add addition and unary positive
– or − subtract and negate subtraction and negation
* or × multiply multiplication
/ or ÷ divide division
% mod or percent modulus or a percentage of a value
! factorial factorial
!! factorial2 double factorial
** pow exponentiation
º or ° or ∘ dtor converts the value to radians
√ sqrt square root
∛ cuberoot cubic root
Bitweise Operationen:
& and bitwise and
| or bitwise or
^ xor bitwise xor
~ not bitwise not
<< lshift bitwise left shift
>> rshift bitwise right shift
Comparison Operators
== or = l_eq equal
!= or ≠ l_neq not equal
< l_lt less than
> l_gt greater than
<= or =< or ≤ or ≯ l_ltoe less than or equal
>= or => or ≥ or ≮ l_gtoe greater than or equal

Logische Operationen:
&& or ∧ l_and logical and
|| or ∨ l_or logical or
! or ¬ l_not logical not

Functionen ohne Parameter:

phi() – returns the value of ϕ (the Golden Ratio). Also recognized as ϕ()
pi() – returns the value of π. Also recognized as π()
pi_2() – returns the value of π/2
pi_4() – returns the value of π/4
tau() – returns the value of τ. Also recognized as τ()
sqrt2() – returns the value of the square root of 2
e() – returns the value of e
log2e() – returns the value of the log base 2 of e
log10e() – returns the value of the log base 10 of e
ln2() – returns the value of the log base e of 2
ln10() – returns the value of the log base e of 10
Functionen mit einem Parameter:

sqrt() – returns the square root of the passed parameter
log() – returns the base 10 log of the passed parameter
ln() – returns the base e log of the passed parameter
log2() – returns the base 2 log of the passed parameter
exp() – returns e raised to the power of the passed parameter
ceil() – returns the passed parameter rounded up
floor() – returns the passed parameter rounded down
The trigonometric functions:
sin(), cos(), tan()
Their inverses (asin, acos, atan, atan2)
Their reciprocals (csc, sec, cotan)
The reciprocals of the inverses (acsc, asec, acotan)
The hyperbolic variations of all the above functions (sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, csch, sech, cotanh, acsch, asech, acotanh)
The versine functions (versin, vercosin, coversin, covercosin, haversin, havercosin, hacoversin, hacovercosin, exsec, excsc, crd)
dtor() – converts the passed parameter from degrees to radians
rtod() – converts the passed parameter from radians to degrees
Functionen mit mehr als einem Parameter:

sum() – returns a sum of the passed parameters. Also recognized as ∑()
product() – returns a product of the passed parameters. Also recognized as Π()
count() – returns the number of passed parameters
min() – returns the minimum of the passed parameters
max() – returns the maximum of the passed parameters
median() – returns the median of the passed parameters
stddev() – returns the standard deviation of the passed parameters
average() – returns the average of the passed parameters
random() – returns a random integer. Can take 0, 1, or 2 Parameters. The first parameter (if given) is the lower bound of the random integer. The second parameter (if given) is the upper bound of the random integer.
nthroot() – returns the nth root of a number. For example, nthroot(27,3) returns the cube root of 27, or 3.